Research & analysis are the foundations of everything else
For the 15 years, we wander freely in the realm of advertising and visual communication, we love simple phrases, clean patterns, straightforward concepts, abstractions, but as a rule of thumb, and we always construct solutions to each problem we encountered. Without any particular style, movement, dogma, or perspective, nothing excites than a problem to solve, and no challenge is ever hard enough.
Making at the crossroads of modernism and intellectual purity to craft meaningful ideas that endure. German award-winning designer raised in Austria & currently living in New York City.
Discover the market
Every thought, innovation or design is based on discovering.
Analysis of data
Innovation, analysis, optimisation and continuous improvement.
Sebastian Hagerström
CEO and Owner
“ Using a research-based approach, our studio applies design innovation as the primary source of differentiation. Over the last 15 years, success has been built through a unique combination of strategy and technology. ”
Insights & thoughts
1 de septiembre de 2023
Cíes Talent 22
Vídeo resumen de la jornada de pintado de muros en Cíes Talent 22 en el parque Nelson Mandela en Navia, Vigo.
25 de agosto de 2022
Delasfest 22
Vídeo resumen del festival Delas Fest 22 en Santiago de Compostela, donde he impartido un taller de pintura con spray.
18 de febrero de 2022
Podcast Radio Papavento
Episodio de Radio Papaventos Podcasat en el que los alumnos del CEIP Manuel Rodríguez Sinde me realizan una……
25 de octubre de 2021
Vivir aquí – Peregrinos e Graffitis
Entrevista que me hicieron en al TVG desde el programa Vivir aquí para presentar la actualidad sobre el arte urbano en…
17 de septiembre de 2021
II Edición da Batalla de Debuxantes IMPROVISDADO realizada no Concello do Porriño o 18 de Setembro de 2021
14 de julio de 2020
Vigo Cidade de Cor 2020
Video resumen del festival Vigo Cidade de Cor 2020 en el que he podido participar pintando una medianera.
13 de julio de 2019
I Batalla Mural
Reportaje sobre las Jornadas de Arte Urbano de Vigo Cidade de Cor 2019 y la I Batalla Mural