Hi there!
This is my story
Jenny Simone is a 27-year-old professional influencer who enjoys running, fashion, walking, and theatre. She is famous and eccentric but can also be very jealous and a bit picky. Jenny lives in Florida. She started studying sports science at college but never finished the course. She has a severe phobia of crocodiles and is obsessed with bottled water. She is currently single. She has been a staunch vegan for five years and loves Greek salad. Open to new experiences, partnerships, and collaborations.
My Collabs ·
In the shop you can find the latest collection of clothing designed by Jenny, ready to be always trendy!
1 de septiembre de 2023
Cíes Talent 22
Vídeo resumen de la jornada de pintado de muros en Cíes Talent 22 en el parque Nelson Mandela en Navia, Vigo.
25 de agosto de 2022
Delasfest 22
Vídeo resumen del festival Delas Fest 22 en Santiago de Compostela, donde he impartido un taller de pintura con spray.
18 de febrero de 2022
Podcast Radio Papavento
Episodio de Radio Papaventos Podcasat en el que los alumnos del CEIP Manuel Rodríguez Sinde me realizan una entrevista.